Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Reflection-Final Posting
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Using the GAME Plan Process with Students
National Education Standards for Students (NETS-S) located at http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForStudents/2007Standards/NETS_for_Students_2007.htm
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Revising Your GAME Plan
My progress is going slowly. With all of the other work for this class, my own classroom, and the fact that I just got a student teacher I haven't played around much more with my pretend wiki. I have however discussed the topic with my class to see if they thought next year's students would be interested in creating a wiki. I figured if they said no it would open up a dialogue and get me to rethink my goals, as I don't want to spend time creating a huge project with little to no enthusiasm from my kids. Luckily, my class thought it sounded like a lot of fun, and wanted to know if we could try one later this year (oh dear…). I'm still looking around for more examples of class wikis in elementary school to guide me, but I am not ready to change my initial goals. I think my project is a good one, and I need to just keep going with creating my pretend wiki as a model for my class. Next time I try to improve my learning, I will do just as I have done, set up a model, have a conversation with my class to gauge their interest level, and tweak as needed.