Update to my potential blog ideas for my classroom:
1. 1 minute writing: 1-2 times each week post a 1 minute writing timer and a prompt. Students type their responses and leave them on my blog for others to comment on.
Negatives: Need email accounts…..don’t think parents would like that…one of my students recently created their own email account (secretly) and when the parents found out she got in trouble. Could have parents post w/their emails…I think parents will do their child’s response however, or might not like that.
*(Update: I just pretended to leave a comment on my own page, and found that you don't need an email address. I posted just with my name (I could have my students just do first names to protect their privacy, or even their class number). This is much better because they don't need email accounts! I have decided that I would like to choose this idea as my Application #2 idea....unless you all have a better one!)
It Doesn't Take Much...
10 years ago
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